What this is.

Human Revision is an experiment to see what happens when a community helps drive an artists vision. Here, you can have a voice in how art is made, and what it’s made for. Hit our story below for details.

The Goal

This experiment has two main goals:

  1. Make cool shit driven by the voice of this community.
  2. Generate cash towards charities which you, the same community decides on.

Hit how it works below to read about the concept.

Joining The Revision

Being a part of this is easy.

Scroll down to get to the most active socials, or hit the be a part of this button below.

Art from Chaos, Art for Causes.

Boiling the experiment down:

What I do

What you do

I sketch art… …You vote on whether it stays or not.
I finish the art… …Maybe you’re still toying with me.
I put it on stuff… …After you tell me what stuff to put it on.
I sell the art… …You help me donate half the profits.

If this sounds like your jam, the easiest way to jump in is by hitting Discord, link below: